Transformers Animated Leader Class - Bulkhead with Bonus - Toys R Us Exclusive
This Transformers Animated Advanced Conversion, robot to vehicle figure features electronic lights, speech and conversion sounds. Spring-loaded, expanding mass-hammer in robot mode! Flip-out machine cannons and weapon power-up sounds in vehicle mode!
Product Features
- Robot mode features a spinning Buzzsaw and a claw that opens and closes
- Aim the removable air torpedoes in both modes
- His dynamic autobot figure has electronic lights and speech, and a head that moves and changes expression when he talks
- Place the headmaster helmet on the robot's head to change into its alter ego and third mode
- BONUS - Includes Bumblebee with Push-Button Conversion from Vehicle to Robot!
Read more detail: Transformers Animated Leader Class - Bulkhead with Bonus - Toys R Us Exclusive